The opening shot to this film is an over the shoulder shot of the main characters face. The camera follows the line of the police mans arm up to the level of the characters face. The close up of the characters face allows us to see his emotion and therefore experience the pain he is going through, which is a common feature in drama films. The setting is a dirty brown colour signifying that they are in the slums which ties in with the title. Also around the main character there is a yellow glow signifying holiness and innocence this encourages the audience to sympathise with him as he is the better character.
The next over the shoulder shot is of the police man. We see this character blowing smoke over the main characters face and therefore over the audience as this shot is almost a point of view shot. As smoking is now know as a bad habit and is deadly the audience believe that the police man is bad and possibly deadly. A sequence of shot reverse shots are then incorporated into the opening.
At 00:55 small white writing starts to appear on the left hand side of the screen. The writing tells the audience the location, Mumbai, and the year, 2006. Then a question appears saying, "Jamel Malik is one question away from winning 20 million rupees. How did he do it?"
The use of this question reiterates the idea that the film is based on a quiz show. The audience are then given some choices. At this point the background goes to black and the tick of a clock is introduced, the clock noise is easily recognisable as the one featured in the popular quiz show "Who wants to be a millionaire?" After the four choices are shown in the style of the quiz show the black background cuts from black to the image of a hand dropping 1000 rupee notes. this signifies how this amount of money among the rich is nothing and how to the people from the slums it means so much. The tick of the clock is still ticking which creates the feel of tension and anticipation, indicating that something big and important is coming. This could be the biggest decision of the main character life.
Another shot from the opening sequence of the film strongly contrasts the shot reverse shot sequence that we see earlier on in the film. This two shot consists of the main character and the quiz show host sat in the studio. A strong light moves from behind and between the two characters this displays that their is still a distance between the two characters. This signifies that the well off presenter and the poor character from the slums different classes and therefore can not mix. Also the main character is closest to the camera and is closest to the audience once again showing how the audience connect to this character more then any of the others. The main story line has still not yet been revealed to us but is starting to become clear through some of the main key points.

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