When using the camera I built on my skills. Before I started shooting I could only take basic shots however now I have finished shooting I can now use the pull focus feature on the cameras. I also learnt the importance of using a tripod in order to achieve a steady shot.

As I do not own a mac I was not that confident about using it and the software. Now that I have used I am more confident dbout the programs it offers, but I found that the systems were lacking some more basic programs for example paint, or a equivilent.

I used a PC to upload my pictures from my camera. The program to upload and edit the photos was easy to use which was helped by the fact that I already had experience using PCs helped.

After using the program imovie to create our prelim task I had ironed out most of the problems I had experienced with using the proram, so when it came to editing our real task I found it considerably easier although I did have some technicle issues. I found that when I was assembling our animation peice the program had cut either side of our pictures which I had problems trying to retrieve because the program is not designed to work with animation but with video instead.

All together I found that garage band was an easy program to use because I mainly used the pre-recorded sound tracks of 8 and 16 bars to create our peice of music however sometimes the different sound clips didn't tie together propably so I had to edit the pitch and notes slightly.
I used a microphone to recored the narration. The microphone I used was rather quite which ment that even when I turnt the voulme up on the sound clip it still wasn't loud enough. However the microphone I used overall worked to an ok standard, dispite problems with volume.

I used youtube to upload the prelim task, our presentations, our animatic and our film. By using this video site I found that it was easy to acess different films whenever I needed them even if I was not in school. Our final film took a long time to upload onto the site because it is a large file size however now it is up there it is easy for us to use whenever I need it.
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