Sunday 17 October 2010

McQuail and Katz - Uses and Gratification

McQuail and Katz's model on audience theory is based upon the idea that the audience choose what media they want to encounter through out the day which is designed to satisfy needs. These needs being entertainment, information or identification. The psychological basis for this model is Maslow's hierachy of needs.

The main areas that are identified in this model are:
1) The need for information, (news and drama). The need for information about our social and geographical world.
2) The need for identity, (film and celebrities). By using characters and personalities to define our sense of self and scocial behaviour.
3) The need for social interaction, (soaps and sitcoms). Social interaction through experiencing the relationships and interaction of others.
4) The need for diversion, (game shows and quizzes). Diversion by using the media for entertainment and play.

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